Sertraline and cycling

Cycling on Sertraline

Hello everyone – I feel I have been a bit lax keeping this blog up to date over the last week or so, I had been hoping to post more regularly but I guess you can quickly run out of things to say. Particularly has I haven’t been cycling much since I last posted.

I have been feeling really low over the last week, more so than usual, so my lovely GP who has supported me so much over the last couple of years has changed my prescription from Fluoxetine to Sertraline, and after a bit of research through some peer reviewed journals, I suspect she is correct and it will work better for me.

However, the side effects on starting Sertraline…..woah! I have spent the last week feeling exhausted, dizzy, gurning and having developed a few new tics I definitely didn’t have before now. It’s made it really hard to get out on my bike, but reading around on forums, reddit and so on, these initial teething problems are common and should pass. The worst thing for me is it has TOTALLY killed my appetite, and I am already on the skinny/underweight side and could really do with gaining a few pounds. Losing weight is not something I want.

Anyway, onwards and upwards. My GP tells me she has had great results from this drug with other patients with mild-moderate depression and I am hopefully it will help me too. I just wish I could stay on an even keel, rather than experiencing the abnormal lows. I miss my wife and my previously life terribly, and though I know separating was the right thing to do, I still yearn for the happier and less lonely times of the past. At some point I will get out there and start dating again, but for now it’s a focus on both mental and physical well being. If I can’t love me, I cannot expect anyone else to.

Until next time….when I hopefully would have been out on the road again.







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